From the mouth of the man himself... Interview with John Mace.
The best podcast on the internet explaining the Mace Method with Sherrie Hatfield, Director of Causism Institute, and Jerry Marzinsky is .
Check out a great interview with Causism Practitioners Julia Murphrey @simplicityrevealed, Causism Pioneer John Avery and Jerry Marzinsky.
Brain vs Being Article by John Mace
Dr David Snyder's demo of "Magic Frame", also discusses visualization. David's channel is packed with lots of free information. David is a Dr of Chinese Medicine, top Teachers/Guru in NLP, teaches Chinese Face Reading and so much more, he keeps it real. I love self hypnosis that he taught me.
I play around with a concept on my YouTube channel Comfortably Real ...
My first interview with Eric Mace a fellow Causism Practitioner and good friend talking Mace.
The Bystander Effect is one of the triggers that drive the work I do. Demand better!
Personal exercise tool I use is TRE, Trauma Release Exercise by Dr David Berceli to reset my body out of "fight and flight".
How to spot a Psychological Operation by Chase Hughes retired US Navy and Behavioral Expert and someone I have had the privileged to learn from since he embarked on his civilian journey in 2020. What a journey to witness!
Try stepping away from the modern concepts of the mind and ego, freeing yourself towards finding Real Truth and the Real You! The breathe of simplicity is unbeatable.