The majority of clients are those that just feel like something is "off" within themselves and would like to feel better, operate more efficiently. The simplicity of the Mace Energy Method is what is most appreciated in these cases, this also includes young adults and children.
The Mace Energy Method is being found effective for diagnosis of mild to moderate Schizophrenia, addictions, OCD, Dissociative Disorder, Depression, weight loss, rage and so much more. Non disclosure, meaning no rehashing horrific memories or talking about the "who" and "what's", is what most clients find so very relieving.
"Know Thyself", for those on their self-exploration journey, no matter their beliefs. This system guides you to a deep sense Self Certainty that amplifies and expands your depth of awareness of the Real You in a very real way.
Helping Corporations and Business Owners increase efficiency and reliability within their leadership and staffing. With a solid conductor and all instruments of the orchestra are well-tuned and maintained, great music is created, same is with any highly functioning profitable enterprise. This is a separate group project that is in the works, more information is coming... Contact directly.